- Laurie Potter took this while walking their two dogs.
- The Beaver Moon
- Sally’s award for doing such a great job producing Esteyfest.
- Maybe our next boat?
- Maybe next year. Alaska
- Lawn mowing is almost over.
- Fall is here in Vermont
- Sally’s underway with Sally taking pictures.
- Three peas in a pod. Not.
- Penobscot bay at sunset and.
- The Deer Isle Bridge dead ahead.
- The Deer Island Bridge dead ahead.
- Wonderful Bucks Harbor Marina.
- Good balance!
- The good ship Olad in East Penobscot bay .
- Hurricane brought lots of rain and fog.
- Most beautiful mares tales ever!
- John Williams nice shot of the Camden Classic.
- Sally W out photographing the classic sailboat race.
- Boat racing on Penobscot Bay
- Race weekend in Camden
- Calm seas.
- Best sunsets are from Pulpit Harbor in Penobscot Bay Maine.
- The Thomsen’s boat just for racing.
- End of a fun Fourth
- Everybody needs a lighthouse!
- The weather bouy out off of Penobscot Bay. This gives us the wave heights and more.
- Lots of activity in Camden Harbor last night.
- Loons in Camden Harbor
- Ha
- Blue on blue
- 14 yr old artist impression of SallyW.
- The seals were out sunning today.
- Underway with Poppet , Sten and Sally
- Once more in the water.
- Waiting Waiting Waiting
- Several weeks ahead of last year.
- It was a very moving experience. Really!
- The Star Magnolia means that spring has come to Dummerston.
- Not spring yet.
- Not much to feed on.
- Full moon in Vermont
- Sally and I have been very busy collecting sap for maple syrup.
- We’re going up to see it.
- Long time ago!
- A huge success.5000 people!
- Got a lot of work to do today. Maybe make some more.
- Looks like we will make it!
- All done for now. Got a big pile for the groomer to spread.
- And so it starts. Making snow for the ski jump.
- Coming to a driveway near me..
- Should be snowing.
- Christmas decorations Houston TX style!
- December starts in Camden Harbor with the schooners covered in shrink wrap.
- Turning on the lights at the ski jump for the holidays.
- Ski Jump Ready to go for February
- Where is the SallyW? Not there but in the shed.
- It’s started, winter!
- Goats are in pasture.
- Waiting for snow.
- Its that time again.
- Poppet’s birthday!
- There she is , out for the season. One more year gone.
- Maine will be spared!
- Nice fall day in DUMMERSTON
- Yes but we are taking the boat out of the water!
- Full moon over Camden
- Passing Pemaquid Light
- Nice day traveling out of Penobscot bay.
- Remember the barns at the end of the field?
- Life goes on and flowers reproduce.
- Great day racing on Penobscot Bay.
- Yum yum pizza on the grill!
- SallyW in a nice sunset. Good cruising weather for days.
- Batten down the hatches!
- Best of summer, 75 degrees and 10 mph wind.
- Unexpected ending to race weekend. Due to little wind the final race had to be cancelled.
- Pulpit harbor this morning.
- Finely nice weather in Penobscot Bay
- Friend Chuck’s new boat.
- Connecticut River runs big time !
- SallyW is happy, Windswept is beside her.
- Moon is trying to shine.
- Foggy night in Camden harbor.
- Lots of seals around Mark Island.
- Lots of seals around Mark Island
- The view from the bay.
- Our friend Chuck’s new boat off Curtis Island island.
- Sign of spring
- Rain is a good time to photograph gardens.
- The SallyW rides again!
- First night on the water in Camden.
- We’ll see what this does for gas consumption. A Hybrid.
- Happy birthday Sally!
- Murder on the lawn last night. One less turkey.
- Many years ago I saved this tree from brush hog. Glad I did!
- Spring shower and low light
- Wow , spring is coming early here. The Star Magnolia is responding to the heat.
- The SallyW is ready to launch. A lot of work was done this winter.
- The SallyW in here former life.
- The sun is rising earlier every day.
- Blizzard Artistry
- A lovely old stone bridge on River Road in Putney VT . Unused. Think of the labor creating that arch.
- Got the yardstick out for this one!
- Brussels sprouts past due
- Second biggest storm, 7.2 inches heavy wet
- Local sugar house in full production.
- Maybe spring is on the way. Way off.
- Sugar making next door.
- Grooming the snow on the ski jump.
- Is this the Sally W. ?
- Almost done making snow for ski jump.
- Making snow with the new fan gun at Harris Hill ski jump.
- Poor scroungy red fox. Must be really hungry .
- Lazy sign maker.
- After one inch of rain
- I think it is snowing!
- My third car 1956 English Ford Escort. I bought it in 1960-61 . Went to Mt Washington many times. Could sleep in back.
- Well we don’t know what to expect but it won’t be pretty.
- Fridays weather map.
- Here we go again..for Friday
- This is for Thursday 1/23 yuck!
- Can’t get to the bird feeder!
- Foiled. Can’t get to the bird feeder.
- They are moving in!
- Birds, squirrels and turkeys all are hungry.
- Birds, squirrels and turkeys all hungry.
- Part of a rafter of thirty turkeys .
- Oh such a long wait till summer!
- My Grandfather & Grandmother in Crawford Notch NH
- Xmas morning
- December Walk
- The jump is lit for the holidays.
- Hey somebody painted the driveway!
- Within minutes of hanging the bird feeder, they were there!
- Rockport Harbor in December. Almost wish our boat was in the water.
- Cold day in Camden Harbor.
- With Thanksgiving over the turkeys are getting bolder.
- The gravymeisters.
- Polishing the brass for the boat. Like varnishing only more hand work.
- Stratton Mountain today with natural snow and snow guns blowing
- The turkeys are hiding in the Brussels sprouts. Won’t work.
- This I Phone never ceases to amaze me.
- Test
- It’s brown season. Good year for cattails and the Redwing Blackbirds love to nest there.
- Photo by Peter Ralston moon over Rockport lighthouse.
- Varnish time for boat doors.
- Remnant’s if hurricane Nicole just passed through with a inch of rain and gust to 40. No big deal.
- Wonderful Estes organ in Brattleboro, said to be one of the best organs in Vermont . Sounds good too.
- The height of color here in Vermont.
- Look what 500 cans of spray paint can do!
- What a wonderful sound this Estey Organ puts out. As good as any I can listen to from U Tube. This is in a old church on Main Street in Brattleboro VT. Sally and I are now on the board of directors of the Estey Museum.
- Another boating season done.
- Last cruise of the season
- SallyW is getting prepped for a winter rest.
- Mocha Latte in Camden
- My sentiments completely.
- Yum yum
- The Olad in the fog.
- Brimstone island beach, all brimstones.
- Brimstone Island
- Rain has finally stopped here.
- Windjammer weekend.
- Fireworks over Camden harbor on Windjammer Weekend.
- Moon over Camden.
- SallyW frolicking with friends in Camden.
- Monarch butterfly on type of sunflower.
- What a wonderful place The Maine coast is.
- The Olad chasing the sunset.
- The weather bouy in the ocean off Penobscot Bay that tells us what the wave height and more. Took this and sent it to U Maine who were very appreciative as they manage it remotely.
- My favorite store , Morse’s Sauerkraut store. Full of all things German including smoked turkey gizzards!
- Camden sunsets are pretty spectacular!
- Beautiful evening in Camden harbor.
- SallyW at LaSalle for the afternoon.
- Pedr took this at our house while recovering from Covid.
- Thunderstorm in Penobscot Bay
- Oh really!
- Someone thought it was cute!
- Sailboat race in Penobscot Bay.
- Children racing little Optimist’s sailboat s
- There are a lot of boats for the sailboat race this weekend in Camden.
- So much money right off Camden harbor. $170,000,000.
- What better ? steel cut oatmeal, Maine blueberries , maple syrup and cream .
- Evening sky over Camden
- Crab cakes and corn at Warren Island. Overnight too.
- Very rare Ford Jeep.
- Lobster boat on Main Street. Takes two lanes
- Everyone wants a space.
- The Big Dipper at 2:40 AM from Perry Creek.
- 12 year old Maeve drew this after a boat ride into Penobscot Bay.
- Nice ride out of harbor on someone else’s boat to see fireworks.
- Indian island lighthouse off Rockport ME
- Perry Creek , very quiet.
- Our favorite harbor Perry Creek
- That little red bouy can mean so much!
- Our friend Sam Appleton just bought a island . How nice.
- Nice lunch place Castine Maine
- Nice lunch place Castine Maine
- How much? What……
- What?……how much?
- Calm seas and warm air on Penobscot Bay this afternoon.
- Calm seas and warm air on Penobscot Bay.
- A osprey checking out the new boat house as a launch site.
- Summer is here!
- It’s a bird or it’s a plane!
- Our little piece of heaven.
- Reflection
- Sunset at Warren Island.
- New finish on transom.
- Camden outer harbor
- On the boat finally with Poppet and Sten
- Spring fling.
- The Next SallyW is on order.
- The Bluets are blooming.
- Rain shower brings out the color.
- Spring rain brings out the colors.
- Oh! The Star Magnolia reminds Sally of her Connecticut childhood.
- 40 years ago Frenchy would have been plowing our vegetable garden.
- Spring is coming!
- Soon.
- Pulpit Harbor by Sally
- Spring must be close.
- Waiting Waiting…. Thanks Chuck for the photo.
- I can hardly wait!
- Brattleboro. Seems like yesterday.
- Whose going where?
- They say to remove your bird feeder so as to not attract bears. I say not yet!
- They say to take your bird feeder down so not to attract bears. I say not yet!
- Snow table waiting for snow to be measured.
- Thousands
- Hope it doesn’t rain!
- Getting the inrun ready to go on the ski jump.
- Who says there’s no free lunch?
- Let the snowmaking begin on Harris Hill
- Poppet’s icecles at Stratton
- Freezing rain.
- Olympic Ice Storm
- Waiting for the big storm!
- Red Sky in morning .
- Harris Hill Ski Jump all lit up. It was quite a project and I learned a few things.
- Almost done . Hope it snows.
- Guess that will keep the squirrels out of the bird feeder.
- Negative test . Always a good thing.
- Almost done. Two more lights to add on the landing hill.
- Could have been our place. The previous owner did have oxen.
- Not a good day to erect light poles, but……
- Could have been Haven Farm 200 years ago.
- Nice tree.
- Anyone who goes down this jump must be crazy!
- Red sky in the morning sailors take warning. Yes it might snow tonight.
- Adding more lights tomorrow. All the way to the top
- Maybe white Christmas?
- A Little Celebration
- Just one Harris Hill Ski Jump light, there are 9 of these for the landing hill.
- Thanksgiving morning hike.
- Cold and frosty morning, 24 degrees.
- Shrimp and grits. Yum yum
- Havenfarm.com weather station with new anemometer and guy cables.
- Fall has arrived, the field is harrowed and has winter ryegrass planted.
- Backyard sun.
- Got to take care of these !
- All over for this year!
- Photo by Chuck Thomsen
- Rockport lighthouse.
- Last lobster of this season.
- Perry Creek sunset
- Perry Creek quietest place on Earth
- Perry Creek quietest place on Earth
- McLoons lobstah shack . The best
- Rock sculpture on Deer Island
- A crazy place on Deer island Maine.
- Right out our back door.
- Our favorite Maine island. Shivers off Stonington.
- Sally hard at work!
- Cucumber, peanut butter and Lowries seasoning salt.
- Best day of summer
- Best day of summer!
- How much bigger can they get in the harbor?
- Sailboat race on Penobscot Bay
- Off Pulpit Harbor
- Camden harbor night in the fog
- When will the sun show.
- Aaron Lincoln’s photo of morning on Penobscot Bay
- Tropical storm Elsa goes by but pretty benign . Lots of rain.
- Caesar salad on the fantail in Camden Harbor
- Good day to get out of town.
- Not a very pleasant 4th!
- Quintessential Maine
- Roses grow well in Camden
- The last sail of the day
- Very low tide!
- Nice new boathouse
- Nice Evening in Camden Harbor
- Nice Evening in Camden Harbor
- Don’t I wish!
- Leaving on a jet plane…
- The way life should be
- Leaving Camden harbor.
- Sally W has a companion.
- Those pesky dandelions grow faster than you can mow them.
- In the water now.
- Happy birthday dinner.
- Smell the spring.
- What wind?
- Rain brings out the color.
- Little rain showers bring out the blossoms.
- Homemade English muffins, mmmm
- Mmmm good banana pancakes.
- April snowstorm hides the Star Magnolia.
- Spring has arrived, the Star Magnolia is blooming.
- Spring has arrived, the Star Magnolia has bloomed.
- Almost out.
- Easter at the Haven Farm.
- Must be March , a robin and a turkey.
- There it is my third car! No defroster, 36 HP but you could sleep in the back. Barely made it up to the White Mountains from Boston but used no gas.
- Pedr is 54. Hardly seems possible!
- I have never seen a rabbit here, ever. Game camera at 2 AM
- Got a game camera to see bear but got a fox instead. Lots going on here at night.
- Bear footprint after tried to demolish our bird feeder . That is a quarter. Big Bear.
- All repainted. Three coats to cover graffiti. Wait and see!
- Pretty lonely ski jump but just wait till next year. 100 year anniversary.
- Oh boy the car wash!
- Our vision for a sculpture.
- My Wish ! Oh dream on…….
- Seared Scallops in carrot coulis. MMM
- Who is going to win this battle?
- Just got the first vaccination !
- Just got my first vaccination!
- Another shot of the barns in Putney
- Short days , long shadows.
- Good snowstorm last night.
- 8.5 inches the birds know where the food is
- Snow for the jumpers who aren’t coming!
- Someone was here before me.
- Good snow coming
- Winter sky
- 1994 launching the Bullseye
- Where to?
- Good reason to love Camden Maine. Photo by Lucy Williams.
- Recalling our trip to Alaska, what a great time !
- Big deal next year. 100 years of ski jumping.
- SallyW’s dock space today . Doesn’t look to inviting! Can’t imagine all the heaters we would have to run to survive. Walking on the dock doesn’t look safe either. Thanks John Williams for photo.
- Wild Turkey Anybody?
- Seems like ages ago!
- Even a cold winter sky has color.
- Beautiful stonework at the Apple orchard.
- Two angel strata pies!
- Pre Christmas Eve with champagne.
- Winston Churchill said “Never Give In”
- Ski Jump lights look better after big snowfall
- Things are looking more like Christmas.
- This will take some time to clear 14 inches and still coming down!
- Oh Boy 15 to 17 inches.
- Maybe will get some snow.
- Found in Vermont woods, I don’t think it will run again.
- This where we get our stove wood. I don’t think he is going to run out soon.
- A little snow cover would help.
- A little light snow really highlights the texture of the landscape.
- Nice old postcard of the Dummerston Covered Bridge one of the longest one in current use.
- Fill the feeder please
- Our friend Dave Howell created this
- Best in State
- Frosty morning
- Walking in orchard is approved!
- Ok I’m feeding the birds a little early but we need some diversion.
- Turkey time here!
- Now how are we going to get rid of all those leaves?
- Early snowstorm
- Time to cut down the gardens
- The Estey Organ Factory
- Still a monarch butterfly hanging around!
- Steaks on the fire and it was warm outside.
- Now who’s going to rake?
- Hydrangeas can’t compete with Maple trees for color.
- Hydrangeas can’t compete with maple trees.
- Camden Harbor without us. By David Lyman
- Early fog protects us from frost
- Cider doughnuts from the orchard. yum!
- Apple cider doughnuts, yum!
- We just refinished the kitchen floor.
- Captain Walks the Plank
- Getting ready to end this year . Haul tomorrow!
- Imagine a live fish in your belly!
- Gulp!
- Poppet’s 52nd. Birthday
- We dodged a bullet by missing this one!
- Sally is a student of the moon, trying to understand the timing of these extremely low tides.
- Our favorite island Brimstone. Wonderful polished black rocks.
- On a mooring in Maple Juice Cove
- Owls Head light off Rockland ME
- Sunset over Camden Hills
- Vermont maple syrup on Maine blueberry pancakes in the morning sun.
- Oh so tempting!
- Oh oh a sign of things to come.
- Great ice cream stand
- Oh what fun to own one of these again .
- Foggy morning but it burns off soon
- Thunder Storm passing through Camden!
- Storm brewing
- Pulpit Harbor fog.
- High seas drama.
- Who says we need rain!
- No choice
- The Olad going back to Camden at sunset time.
- Going to harbor in a nice sunset over the Camden hills.
- Firery sunset over Camden hills.
- Sky over Camden
- Social distancing in the bird world
- Not exactly what you want right behind your boat at 6 AM!
- Moose Peak Lighthouse off of Jonesport ME . Nice day on the ocean.
- Made it to Roque Island beach finally. 2 days to get there.
- Roque island at last . Day and a half from Camden.
- Buckle Island Harbor we’re on the hook tonight. Somebody’s nice sailboat .
- Sally’s gin and tonic
- Camden Harbor at 10 PM taken with IPHONE
- Pulpit Harbor has such good sunsets.
- Days work is finally done.
- No pot of gold at the end of the rainbow just more varnish.
- Sloop Anna on the way to Eggemoggin sailboat races.
- Clouds over Pulpit Harbor Maine
- The schooner Olad underway in Penobscot Bay
- Blue skies all around!
- Pumpkin island at the top of Eggemoggin Reach ME.
- Two tugs in Camden Harbor. Salty Paws and SallyW.
- Sally taking nice sunset aboard the SallyW.
- A Narrow Leaved Everlasting Pea found on North Haven island Maine!
- Nothing like social distancing your strawberry shortcakes!
- Full moon tomorrow night.
- Way to big and ugly for Camden Harbor!
- Browns Head light in light fog.
- Browns Head light in light fog.
- Dog or whale? Hard choice.
- Clouds and fog and Pulpit Rock
- Black and white brings out the tones
- The Sugar Loaves in the Fox Island thoroughfare North Haven Maine with clouds.
- Not so typical Maine scene.
- Pulpit Harbor , blue skies and calm seas. Very quiet!
- Got off the dock today for a little trip to Rockport. That’s the lighthouse there.
- Rainy day in Camden
- All is well here in Camden. We are sharing the harbor with these white ghost ships that aren’t allowed to take passengers yet!
- We’re on now!
- Lovely little deer right here in the field . Looks a little hungry and thin.
- A lovely tree peony emerges in the hot weather.
- SallyW is all ready for our arrival June 4 . Photo by John Williams.
- These are not jet streams just normal mares tails.
- Saturday morning buttermilk pancakes.
- Woodchuck 0 Allan 1. Woodchuck relocation project!
- Give us this day…..and many more.
- Well there she is in the water without us! We will be there in a couple of weeks.
- Didn’t want you to miss Sally’s birthday!
- Big storm front went through!
- Rhubarb just picked, pie next.
- Nobody here to see the flowers.
- At least we have something to watch.
- Sign of spring!
- Just a few more weeks.
- We’re coming as soon as it’s safe!
- Cold and rainy.
- Social distancing!
- This is the person who built the house we live in!
- Imagine 1975!
- Sunday nite pizza
- Sally’s Star Magnolia gets dusted by late snowfall.
- This is today, wait till tomorrow.
- Good stuff
- Live From The Field
- Photo of the day
- Live From The Field
- Live From The Field